Read Time:27 Second
- SigmaKey 2.45.04 HiSi: Remove Huawei ID
- Phone model: STK-AL00
- Version: STK-AL00
- The battery must be connected to the phone’s board and fully charged. [YES]
- SN: CMBNW20423014043
- OEM Info IMEI1: 861302044583886
- OEM Info IMEI2: 861302044759403
- MEID: A00000B660A15A
- Phone model: STK-AL00
- Build number: STK-AL00
- Security area saved to “C:\Users\ZinYaw Mobile\Documents\SigmaKey\security backup\0381855107\861302044583886_861302044759403_Huawei_STK-AL00_STK-AL00 2_0_0_212(C00E210R8P4).skb”
- Removing Huawei ID…Done
- Formatting FFS…Done